Shoutbox and PM cleanup

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Sofa King Admin
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Shoutbox and PM cleanup

Unread post by ~Z~ »

In an effort to try to make the main MySQL database (huge huge file that stores all text from the gallery and message board) a little more quick to access, I'm going to be cleaning up the Shoutbox and some Private Messages. Main reason for the cleaning is to improve how quickly all aspects of the gallery and message board run.

What I'm planning on doing is changing the shoutbox so it only holds the last 2 weeks of posts...right now, the shoutbox shows posts from all the way back to September of 2005. So many of the posts really are only good for information going on right now, and since it's not searchable, really not that worthwhile to keep. I think it's amazing that we have over 85 THOUSAND posts in there, but needs to be reduced now.

Other main change... every so often, I'll be deleting the "sent items" from your PM(Private Message) box. Most people don't need copies of what they have sent, but in case you do, you can open up your sent box, checkmark items that you want to keep, and hit "Save Marked"...this will put it in your "Savebox."
Also, might be a good time to clean up old messages in your inbox while you're browsing through...limit on number of inbox messages is 1000 right now, but may be changed later.

If you are wondering what all the huge database holds, it has everything from gallery album names, description and comments on each photo, EXIF information, all 85980 shouts currently in the box, private messages, and all message board posts.

I'm planning on making these changes on Friday of this week, so scan through the shoutbox if there's anything that you need out of there, and check your sent items of your Private Messages. Please reply if you have any comments or questions.
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Sofa King Admin
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Unread post by ~Z~ »

Shoutbox is now cleaned up... will only store the last 14 days worth of messages.

Sent messages in the private message area are also cleaned.
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