Censorship to the lower boards

Posts that don't fit in the other train categories. Off Subject Chit Chat I tell you. :)
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Sofa King Grumpy
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Censorship to the lower boards

Unread post by Scooterb »

Censorship has gone to the lower michigan boards now.
I hope this board doesnt end up like that. If you have a disagreement and are disscussing it in a constructive maner I see no problems with that.
But they remove the whole thread under the claim of (off topic) ? shheeese
It seems like it is things that need to be said to keep participation going on disscussions instead of getting them deleated. The webmaster said to E-mail him with disagreements on the removal of a thread but it seems he is alienating evereyone and they want to stick there heads in the sand and ignore the problem. If they only want thier views expressed than maybe they should do a Blog instead of a disscussion group.
But its there boards and they can run it as they see fit. I am spending more time here instead of there.
My rant is over for now.

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Unread post by ~Z~ »

Maybe I should come up with a more formal guideline for the board, but well, i really don't think it's all that needed...you guys seem to stay within control on your own.. The only thing i will usually not tollerate are flame wars between people...no cutting down of other people personally...you can argue against their viewpoint, that's fine though. I enjoy the differing viewpoints, and you'll be hard pressed to see me editting or deleting posts. Swear words get filtered to say a different word, so i'm alright with that. Off topic posts stay, because, we have an off subject chit chat area!
Rant on ma brotha scott! Always good to hear opinions like this... if you posted this on that lower board or dennis's site, you can kiss that post goodbye!
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Unread post by redside20 »

i see this on railroadforums sometimes, why do some people expect you to respond to their photographs and whine and moan afterwards. Other times things seem to be going smoothly and bam! someone gets a huge tiff with someone else and it results in a mass exodus of folks. I have to wonder

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Unread post by Scooterb »

Is Dennis trying to chase everyone off?
I sent him an email expressing my concerns.

A few things that are really bugging me
Posted by Dennis on October 25, 2005, 17:54:30

First off, the use of all caps is considered, YELLING! [PAT C.]?
If your going to yell please do it elsewhere. I THINK THIS IS WELCOME HEREThis is the year 2005 and I'm sure there isn't a keyboard on the face of the earth that types in only Caps.
Secondly, The spell checker is there for a reason, Please use it. DUE WEE WAANT 2 UZZ A STINKIN SPELL CHECKER? [ if it looks like it sounds or close 2 it i am smart enough to figure it outI'm one of the worst when it comes to spelling so I always try to use a checker whenever possible. It only takes an extra minute or so and makes it much easier for the others in the forum to read and understand your message.
Thank you

If you want what was a great board at one time to continue please send a civilised e mail to Dennis expressing your concerns.
Scott B.
Last edited by Scooterb on Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by patrick »

I don't think its anyone suprise i have had run-ins with both Dennis and Dale as of late. I have always had no problem telling people what i think and the way it really is. I don't want anyone to cry when i say, thats NOT going to change anytime soon as i am my own person and i like to do think funny thing i call "think for myself". We here are all mature enough to handle ourselves as Zack said before and I agree that a formal set of rules here is not needed. I said the other night i will nolonger post on the other board unless it is important and i intend to keep to that as those boards are becoming a discrase. and hey dennis....IF YOU DON'T LIKE OUR THOUGHTS, WORDS, AND OTHER THINGS..........SPELL CHECK THIS YA FRIGGEN JERK................k, i'm done

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