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Polarizer Filter

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:09 am
by BB
Tried out the new polarizer filter Sunday afternoon down at the beach.

Without the filter

With the filter


Pretty cool I think...

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:41 am
by J T
I was going to make a thread with CP example shots the other day but hadn't gotten around to it. Now that you've started one, I'll add my shots from last week.

Filter "off"


Filter "on"


As you can see, not only does it bring out the contrast in the clouds, but also has an effect on the building and light reflection on the plants in the field.

A CP filter also works wonders on water and windows. Here are three shots to show you the benefits of using a CP filter when shooting a car.

The first shot shows a strong reflection on the side windows, but most of the reflection eliminated from the rear window.


The second shot, with the filter rotated to remove most of the reflection from the side windows, then exposes the reflection on the rear window (different reflective angles will show up at different positions of the CP filter)


Finally, the third image shows the two images combined to achieve the LEAST amount of reflection on the car. Unfortunately, I didn't have a "before CP filter" image to show what the reflections looked like combined, but just imagine the side windows and the rear windows all showing strong reflections. This can be quite distracting when it comes to automobile photography. Also, if you're lucky enough to have it adjusted correctly for an incoming train, the reflections will be nearly eliminated from the cab windows, allowing to you see the engineer much better.


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:10 pm
by ~Z~
If i get this CP filter, will it change the ugly rent-a-wrecks into nice shiny new CP motors?

j/k.... thanks for all the info guys.. definately looking into getting a CP filter and a grad filter as well soon.